Monday, August 10, 2009

Cartoon of the day


raa said...

It's ironic that you should publish this. I was recently thinking that the furor in our country around UFOs, crop circles, and the like has decreased. Instead we now have nut cases deranged about issues like this. I think I liked it better when they concerned themselves with UFOs.

Bernard Droege said...

At least visitors from space are real. ;-)

Bernard Droege said...

Speaking of crop circles, I was in the Anderson Library recently, and noticed a room off to the side with a display of crop circle photos. I walked in, and a woman was giving a serious talk on which of the patterns had been faked and which had been authenticated. I very uncharacteristically held my tongue and left.

raa said...

While things have quieted down, there are still plenty of believers in crop circles, animal mutilations, and abductions by space aliens. There is an enormous amount of "evidence" and "testimony" in support of this view.
Yes, since it is hard to refute the confessions of human crop circle fabricators, they must distinguish between human made and alien made crop circles. Did you learn any good tips on how to distinguish them. The most common line I have heard is that the more abstract circles couldn't have been created by mere mortals.

Clint Bourgeois said...

Yeah, check out youtube. Anytime a new video on crop circles or alien visitations is posted they com out of the woodwork. Last year there was an alleged UFO flying around Chicago O'Hare that got a lot of attention. I wouldn't be surprised if the same people who used to really push the UFO/crop circle ideas are now the same people who are looking for President Obama's birth certificate and claiming that the World Trade Center attacks ere actually a controlled demolition planned by Former President Bush. So you'll have to pardon them; They've been busy recently.

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